This Year’s Events and Initiatives

Special Olympics
The core values of Special Olympics Delaware embody our culture, spirit, and commitment to do our best at all times. These values guide and inform our collaboration, our innovative programming, the design and delivery of meaningful opportunities, and our promotion of understanding, acceptance, and inclusion for the benefit of people with and without intellectual disabilities.

Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity
Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity (CDHFH) is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, a non-profit, ecumenical housing ministry that seeks to eliminate poverty housing from the world.
CDHFH works to transform lives and revitalize our Kent County communities by building and repairing quality homes in partnership with families in need. Since our founding in 1990, CDHFH has built and renovated more than 50 homes, housing more than 200 adults and children. Through this homeowner partnership, families are able to achieve their dreams of homeownership and break the cycle of poverty.

Autism Delaware
Autism Delaware is a nonprofit, advocacy organization devoted to serving people and families affected by autism. They serve the entire state through offices in Newark, Lewes and Dover.
1. Individual and Systems Advocacy
2. Parent Support and Mentoring
3. Information and Referral
4. Family and Teen Social Events
5. Adult Services through Productive Opportunities for Work & Recreation (POW&R)
6. Public Awareness and Media Outreach
7. Quarterly Newsletter

Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition
The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) helps those who are underserved and underinsured to receive free or reduced-cost care. In addition, the DBCC helps navigate residents to screenings across the state of Delaware.
The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition is not nationally funded. The majority of funding comes from local Delaware businesses and partners.
Driven to Support our Community

Local Delaware Causes we have Supported
- Attack Addiction
- Brain Injury Association of Delaware
- The Christian Storehouse
- DE Foster Care Transitional Resource Ctr
- Dover Art League
- Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing
- The Elizabeth W. Murphy School
- The Harry K Foundation
- Hope on Deck
- Humane Animal Partners
- La Plaza Delaware
- Our Daily Bread Dining Room of MOT, Inc.
Our Foundation’s Board Members

Board President
Amy Resh

Vice President
Ryan Bowman

Jennifer Ellis

Amy Draper

Justin Smith

Christina Reilly

Sean Kemp