For Immediate Release
Del-One Contact: Amy Resh, Director of Marketing
Date: October 2023

“Del-One’s CIO Marc Kidwell Joins Economic Summit Panel”

Del-One Federal Credit Union’s Chief Information Officer, Marc Kidwell, joined the discussion panel for the Central Delaware Economic Summit in September.  The summit “brings together leaders in business, government, education and the community to focus on improving the economic conditions and quality of life in central Delaware.”  Mr. Kidwell spoke on the theme of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the Economy and Society, and how Del-One is utilizing AI in day-to-day operations. Mr. Kidwell states “Del-One is utilizing the power of AI to automate simple tasks, allowing us to spend more time focusing on the needs of our members. For our credit union, AI is all about removing frustration and improving our ability to serve our members.”